It's been six months and I am gradually coming to terms with reality. While before, I expect people to behave exactly how I imagined them to be (and as a result, I am frequently disappointed when they don't), nowadays, I am coming to terms with reality. I am taking off my rose-tinted glasses and puting on the transparent glasses.
And I see now, that there are many kinds of people, just like that there are many kinds of data. Quiet data, noisy data, lazy data, dilligent data, punctual data, delayed data, unspoken data, loud data...
Oh! And I just read a book about Negotiating Skills in the International Arena, how it is always not a level playing field, and the importance of finding neutral ground for everything, and learning the language of another person's culture, no matter how distinct or general they may be. The importance of understanding the individual, the intellectual, seeing their culture and understanding their background. To see each for who they are is the real value in negotiation. To be able to identify and pinpoint their true nature and to accept that they won't change (no matter how much I hope or expect them to), is one step towards victory and attaining high emotional intelligence.
Perhaps I may have over-judged my ex-boss. Maybe I just didn't understand his circumstances, his background and what molded him to be the type of person that he was. Then again, oil and water do not mix. There are too many 'maybe-s' and I will not dwell on it anymore. I will put it all behind me and look towards the future.
So, here's what I learnt in terms of relationships:
Not expecting people to change is key #1.
Knowing how to gain their attention and mould, weave and wind my way around them is key #2.
Being able to listen to the beat and dance with the same rhythm. That - is key #3.
Play the game and life will be much more beautiful!
Don't fear! Don't hide!
Embrace it and face it head on like a true woman!
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