Friday, June 28, 2013

Letter of Reassurance

Recently, I stumbled upon a site searching for some inspirational articles for a colleague. It was the Citibank website, featuring letters written by women to their younger selves, sort of like 'what I wish I knew when I was younger'.
Inspired, here's what I would write:
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Dear 23 year old,
Congratulations on stepping into the working world! Welcome! You're in for the greatest journey of your life! Working is fun, more fun than studying! You'll get to see new things, meet new people and hear new stories every month, every day. You'll be learning new things every day as long as you want to.
Unlike schools, work is not an examination room, where you have to score 'A' all the time, get perfect marks and never make a mistake. In fact, it is the exact opposite. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. Never be afraid to ask questions. The more you ask, the more you learn. Keep your curiousity spark alive by learning something new everyday, even if it is out of your job scope.
Give it your best at work, but not to the brink of jeopardizing your own health and the sanity of your own mind and others. Always be honest. Make integrity one of your principle values. Don't sweep everything under the carpet. Be professional. Don't be emotional. Learn to set aside your emotions and let logic do the talking.
Don't mince your words, either. Let your 'yes' be 'yes', and 'no' be 'no' . Speak clearly, don't mutter. Articulate each word with clarity. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Don't be too obliging, don't be too strict either. Compromise -it's a dance.
There are all kinds of people in this world. You can't make everyone like you. Though you can't change people, you can change your attitude towards others. Be pleasant to everyone, even to those whom you wish you didn't work with. Be on good terms with everyone. Don't burn bridges. There are boundaries in this world too. Respect those boundaries, and you'll be fine.
Though at times, it may be rough, stay strong. Never fear. God is with you always. And what's the worse that could happen from each of these experiences that make you cry like there's no tomorrow? You won't die from them. You'll remember those lessons, be stronger and wiser and impart your knowledge and share your testimony with those who need it and learn from it.
Learn also to protect yourself, your mind, your soul, your words, and your physical self. Be discerning. Don't be too gullible or trusting. Listen to the warning signs in your head and your surroundings. Trust your instinct.  Be alert. Stay observant. Open your eyes, wide and bright. And see the world for what it really is. Stay in the present. Don't day dream too much.
Love your body, love yourself and love the people around you. Never forget that they exist too. Without them, where would you be? Stay healthy, eat healthy, live healthy.
Also, don't forget to work on your relationships. Be it at work, at home, at church or out of these circles. Make an effort to meet up with those who love you and support you regularly. Look out for those who need help. Be like the river whose banks overflows, watering its surroundings into thick vegetation, providing resources for those who live around it. Never, ever, use work to escape reality or avoid confrontation. You will regret it, if you do.
If you believe in something, go for it. Don't let your opinions be swayed by what others think of it. You know yourself best. Nobody knows you better than you yourself. You are the only one who knows what you truly desire. So, trust your guts, stick to your goals, your beliefs and your principles. Never, ever, let anybody take that away from you or influence you.
Be confident. Do not be intimidated by anything. All those negative emotions? Anger, jealousy, hatred, angst, disappointment, guilt... they can only jump across the room or the table to attack you, if you allow it. Treasure your heart. Guard your feelings. They are precious.

Finally, don't forget that in everything that you do, God will be with you. Even when he doesn't seem to be around, even though he's invisible, He is here, permeating your whole being and you just can't deny it. When He is around, your life is sweeter and better. Without God, life is meaningless. God wants us to lead a purposeful and meaningful life and he sows this seed in us, so strongly that you just got to follow its lead. He, is the only key to your soul. There's no denying it. Listen and obey. Be grateful for everything that happens in your life, the good, the bad, the sweet and the sour. Everything happens for a reason. Look up. Focus on the most important things in life. And you'll never, ever miss your mark.

And remember, you are special in His eyes. God loves you very, very much. So, keep that hope alive. It'll do you much good in time to come. God will bless you and protect you, always and forever.
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