Thursday, June 20, 2013

Actions & Reactions

So, here I am, embarking on my most exciting journey ever, as soon as I hit the figure '3' with enthusiasm and hope. And people around me begin quizzing me, "Why?! Jean? Why do you want to pursue your postgraduate studies?"
At present, I think it's the most logical and reasonable and ideal course of action for me. While there are some who support my decision, there are also many who think that I am out of my mind.
Here are some of the responses that I got.
"What?! Are you crazy? Don't you realize that the more highly educated you are, the harder it is for you to get a husband? The number of men who would want to get a wife with a Masters degree are almost extinct! You're lucky if you get one."
"Oh my gosh! You, of all people, should be contented. You have a nice job, nice place to stay in, nice home, nice friends, nice environment. Do you know how many people would pay to be where you are today? Why would you want to abandon all these and suffer in another new country, learning new languages and a totally whole new subject all together?"
"You don't have a sponsorship? You're paying from your own pocket? Why?!!! Why on earth would you want to do that? It's tough! It pinches your pocket! It's painful!"
"Is this the only option you have? Can't you do part time?"
"Knowledge is endless. Why keep on pursuing something that is infinite? Isn't it sufficient to learn on the job? Why chase after something so urgently when you'll get it eventually, and it isn't something that matters much ultimately?"
Frankly, I haven't approached the matter from the angles that all the persons above have mentioned. All I know is, I am going to do it, and I will make it happen, no matter what it takes.
Apparently, what I'm doing is considered high risk. To many, it signifies a loss of many things, such as a good pay cheque, quality of life, spending power and marriage opportunities. In short, it is a huge sacrifice.
To me, however, I have a lot to gain from this move. I'll gain liberation from the restrictively, silent environment; I'll gain the liberty and freedom to be true to who I am, to increase my interaction with human beings and understand their behaviours. Besides, I'll also get to be acquainted with new friends, new culture, new environment. I will get a new lease of life.
Therefore, I will be brave. I will persevere. I will be courageous. I will keep on fighting for what I believe in.

May God answer these prayers of mine and be with me every step of the way. 


ex-trainee yg u suke said...


You have my support.

Wlaupn, ape sgt la ngn support I ni.


LJ said...


Your support means a lot to me, Huda!

Ramai org tnye I... "What's wrong? Knp pilih IFP yang ramai tak tau, tak pilih IC?"

Wah... penat I menjawab...

Skit lagi, the whole flat will be flooded with my 'tangisan' ...


Emo-sangatlah these days...

Need to come find you for some laughter theraphy...
