Saturday, May 18, 2013

Clarity - of Mind, Heart & Soul

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a person once told me, "In life, there are no absolutely black or white areas. Everything is grey. Is abortion right? Is corruption acceptable?"
The person cited several situations, scenarios, and examples in various countries. After I listened, my mind got all jumbled up and I thought, "He's right!"
Very often, we encounter many situations which are neither here nor there, right nor wrong. Depending on the angle of perception, the whole table could be turned upside-down and eventually topsy-turvy.
But lately, having listened to a sermon on integrity, I have to agree that it is time we set our compasses right. Who are we kidding when we do something in secret and declare that it's not wrong if nobody's hurt by it, nobody sees it and nobody knows about it? It's us, of course! We, ourselves! Everything you do will catch up with you eventually, good or bad, right or wrong.

Today, I have decided to put on my glasses and stand my ground. I can now say that in life, there is no neutral ground. We are either 'with' or 'against', 'pro' or 'anti'.  We can't accomplish anything by sitting on the fence or being lukewarm. Otherwise we'll just be sandwiched in between and crushed like biscuit crumbs, dried like milk powder. Without bones, you will melt like butter as soon as you are placed under high heat and high pressure.
Why do you think the world is in such turmoil today, no better than it was before, despite all the advancements and developments in technology? It's because we have lost sight of values like righteousness, integrity and wisdom. We do what's right in our own eyes. Since we're all mere humans, our sense of right and wrong can be pretty distorted and has a wide scale of variability.

No wonder God gave us a book and told us, "Follow this!" I guess the idea was so that we would use the same measure of logic for everything and lead a fruitful and happy life. But along the way, we've lost the compass of our lives and drifted far away, losing sight of our focus. Perhaps we thought we've got it, we've found our footing, only to find that it was a lose foothold, and we had to readjust our position to 'stabilize' ourselves.

It's time we turn back to the Book and start seeing things for what it really is. A spade is still a spade, regardless of whether it's big or small, red or green. From today onwards, let your 'yes' be 'Yes', and 'no' be 'No'. Remember, 'in-betweens' just means that the cobwebs in your head hasn't been thoroughly cleared yet. Take your stand today. Pick your side of the fence. Only then can you live with a clear conscience, a peaceful heart and a joyful life.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  
When your heart is clear, peace follows. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

In short, no more accessing my neighbour's open wireless connection, even though he did not set any password to it, and I can use it freely anytime I like, sitting in a specific spot, trying to hook up to his connection to get a free ride on his speedy Wi-fi! Gritting my teeth just to maintain integrity!

P/S: 3 days after I wrote this, I stumbled upon this article about the world being gray. Seeing it in black and white, causes strife and war! Hmm.. Looks like the only constant thing in this world is change. The world does not consist of just black and white, it has other colours too! Learn to see the other colours, please, and appreciate them just for being themselves.

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