Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chocolates, Coffee, Cream, Cheese

Desserts - A sweetener to the taste buds...
I love chocolates - I love the way they melt into a smooth, viscous, silky texture, and exudes sweetness that makes you smile through your eyes.
I cherish coffee - It reminds me that life has its own share of bitterness. And in the midst of the bitterness, thank God for syrups which ease its journey down your throat.
I like cream - It covers cakes and hot chocolates and coffee. It is white, fluffy and cuddly, like cotton candy clouds floating in the light, blue skies.
Cheese - These assorted varieties are great for desserts in France. Blue cheese, white cheese, orange cheese, yellow cheese, cottage cheese... I never knew there were so many kinds of cheese until I came here.
Savour them.
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Career - It's a mixture of all these things.
It's sweet - I love it's thrills and its challenges.
It's bitter - It has its equal share of valleys and trenches. I'm fortunate to have friends who help me to scale it, see it, appreciate it and climb out of it.
It's hopeful - It helps you to reach out for your dreams and reminds you of the very reason you're alive.
It's colourful - It brings new people into your life every now and then. Open your eyes, big and wide. Spot them. Look around. Everybody is different. Learn to identify their needs and bring out the best in each of them.
Cherish them. Every one of them.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Caution - Fire!

Three days ago, I fell into the deepest emotional valley, unable to crawl out of it. Feeling as if all hope is lost, I moped. Even while I was asleep.
By chance, three days later, at five in the morning, the fire alarm in my apartment rang and the sirens came on, "There is a fire in the building. Evacuate, evacuate. Please do not bring anything. Use the staircase. Do not use the elevator." The automated message repeated.
I jumped out of bed as the sirens and alarms persisted. Sleepily, and groggily, I had to think what to wear as I was going out in public in 3 minutes, what to bring as it was a fire, and I had to search for my keys and spectacles. By the time I found everything, I think it was about five minutes. I had no idea whether it was a drill or it was real. But I figured it must have been real because just a fire drill was conducted just a week ago, while everybody was at work in the afternoon, on a weekday.
Anyway, I struggled to insert the key in the keyhole and that took another 2 minutes. Oh my gosh! I seriously hoped that it was a drill, but it was a very slim chance. Then the realization came. I am staying on the twenty-seventh floor! That means I have to walk twenty seven floors down! At a quarter past five in the morning!
So, I walked, and walked. The first few flights of stairs, there were only a couple of us. But as we descended, more people joined us. Some people brought their phones, some brought handbags, and some actually obeyed, they went empty-handed. Nobody ran. All quizzing each other, "What time is it? Is it a drill?"
All of us just walked down the stairs, in a cool, calm and collected manner. Not one of us ran. By the time we arrived at the assembly point, there were ambulance, police and fire engines. We had no idea where the fire was. I saw the security guard, running towards the fire engine, telling him where to go. I could only hope and pray that it was nothing serious.
Thirty minutes later, we were told that everything was fine, and we could go back up. Everybody rushed for the main entrance to take the elevator. Can you imagine the number of people who stays in a building with 40 floors, 10 apartments on each level and perhaps about an average of 1-5 persons an apartment? The big crowd and the long beeline?
So, I decided to walk up another 27 flights of stairs! It was a tough climb. I huffed and puffed! Nevertheless, the best part about staying in Dubai is, even the emergency stairwell is air-conditioned, with automated lights! It was like climbing up a mountain in the natural forest. It suddenly dawned upon me that the climb up is always tough. But when I reach my final destination, the reward will be so sweet. I will get to lie in the comfort of my soft, fluffy bed!
By the time I reached, I was sweating all over! It had been a long time since my whole shirt was soaked in sweat. Since I came to Dubai, this is the first time!
I glanced at my watch. It was only six am. I crashed onto my bed, curled up into a ball and continued sleeping.
By the time I woke up, I forgot all about why I felt depressed. Instead,  I was tremendously relieved that I was safe and sound. Nothing bad happened today. I am still alive. My things are in-tact.Taking the easy way out is not a solution. And to think that I had actually contemplated the thought of what it'd feel like to dive sixty metres down...
Don't quit. Muster all your courage and face the music. You must have the courage to fulfill your dreams. Don't let others dictate your life. You musn't conform to the expectation of others all the time. You musn't  oblige others every single time. You must drive your own life. Have your own say. Life is short. Life is precious. Treasure it. Live it.
That was what I thought as I walked to work that very day. All forms of sadness and frustration evaporated into joy and happiness. Relief, gratitude and praise flooded my heart and soul.
Two days later, as soon as I arrived back at the lobby of my apartment in the evening, I finally had a chance to quiz the security guard on what actually triggered the fire alarm.
Surprise, surprise. It was a typical Dubai high-rise building story in summer. Somebody threw a cigarette bud from the top floor of the balcony, which landed on the cushion of a chair in one of the balconies on the fourteenth floor. It started with a small spark. which grew and spreaded into a big ball of fire.
Meantime, the tenant of the apartment had no idea that the cushion outside his balcony was in flames. He continued sleeping soundly, with his dark curtains drawn across the window. Somebody must have alerted the guard, who broke the fire alarm glass, triggering the sirens and fire alarms, knocked on the door of the apartment and woke the tenant up, prompting him to escape.
Not long after that, the glass door of the balcony exploded into a million, zillion pieces. The firemen arrived just in time to hose down the fire.
"So, what happened later? What happened to the apartment now?" I asked the guard.
"Well, the tenant of that apartment is now in jail because he placed the furniture on his balcony, which caused the fire. How many times have I pinned notices on the board 'Furnitures are banned on balconies. Do not hang your clothings on railings and balconies. Do not throw your cigarette buds down the balcony, etc'? But nobody listened. So, because the tenant violated the rules, he is in jail." the guard explained, frustrated with all the stubborn tenants who still violate the rules knowingly and openly, completely disregarding the notice which has been distributed door to door and published on the noticeboard.
But, this is unfair. Since the fire was caused by the person who threw the cigarette bud. The culprit is the person who sparked the fire. Not the tenant!
"Rules are rules! The cigarette bud was thrown from the top floor. I can't catch the person who threw the cigarette. But I can identify who placed the flammable material on the balcony. So, the police came and put the tenant in jail." the guard explained.

Ah! So, the reasoning here is: it takes two to tango. Though you can't catch the prime suspect, but you can catch the indirect, unsuspecting accomplice, which would somehow serve as a justice and reminder to the residents.
Oh my gosh! In Malaysia, this would be unheard of. Whenever fires were caused by individuals who burned candles in their houses, or using gas stoves, you'd only see the papers publishing stories of crying victims who lost their homes, valuables and loved ones. But nobody ends up in jail for random events like these. Only the ones who committed a crime - the arsonists, who burnt buildings intentionally. In Malaysia, the tenant of the apartment which caught fire would be considered a victim. Not a culprit. Then again, just as the guard explained, rules are rules. We should always obey. It is not there to make our lives difficult. It is there for a reason. It is there to protect our well-being.
Suddenly, I realized that being an expat comes with a whole set of new responsiblities. It begins with obedience.
Now I know. When in a foreign country, learn the rules first, before learning the language. Think twice before throwing caution to the wind. One might love with utter abandon, but do ensure you live in accordance to local laws, customs and culture. We certainly don't want to burn our fingers, much less our souls. And definitely not end up behind bars!
I guess the poor tenant must be wondering, "What did I do wrong? What happened?!"

A rude awakening indeed from the fire and the jail.
I can only hope that the tenant will be released soon...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The world is a peculiar place. The harder you attempt at being your best, the worse you'll become. The more I try to save, the more I end up spending. The more one tries to be angelic, the more monstrous one becomes.
It's a constant battle of good vs evil. When one tries too hard, it will backfire (sometimes).
As much as we like to let things to happen naturally, we also love to push our luck to see how far it'll go, how much can one take, how stretchable one is or discover the tolerance level of each individual. Though it may be interesting to know by poking, prodding and testing, to witness the breaking point or yielding point of a person is not a very pleasant scene.
So, live and let live.
It's a struggle. But persevere through it all. You'll be triumphant and victorious at the end of the journey. Though you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, you can envision it. And that, is sufficient for you to trudge through the dark, murky waters which will lead you to your destination.
Don't give up just yet.
The battle is only half won. There are still many more miles to travel!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Clarity - of Mind, Heart & Soul

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a person once told me, "In life, there are no absolutely black or white areas. Everything is grey. Is abortion right? Is corruption acceptable?"
The person cited several situations, scenarios, and examples in various countries. After I listened, my mind got all jumbled up and I thought, "He's right!"
Very often, we encounter many situations which are neither here nor there, right nor wrong. Depending on the angle of perception, the whole table could be turned upside-down and eventually topsy-turvy.
But lately, having listened to a sermon on integrity, I have to agree that it is time we set our compasses right. Who are we kidding when we do something in secret and declare that it's not wrong if nobody's hurt by it, nobody sees it and nobody knows about it? It's us, of course! We, ourselves! Everything you do will catch up with you eventually, good or bad, right or wrong.

Today, I have decided to put on my glasses and stand my ground. I can now say that in life, there is no neutral ground. We are either 'with' or 'against', 'pro' or 'anti'.  We can't accomplish anything by sitting on the fence or being lukewarm. Otherwise we'll just be sandwiched in between and crushed like biscuit crumbs, dried like milk powder. Without bones, you will melt like butter as soon as you are placed under high heat and high pressure.
Why do you think the world is in such turmoil today, no better than it was before, despite all the advancements and developments in technology? It's because we have lost sight of values like righteousness, integrity and wisdom. We do what's right in our own eyes. Since we're all mere humans, our sense of right and wrong can be pretty distorted and has a wide scale of variability.

No wonder God gave us a book and told us, "Follow this!" I guess the idea was so that we would use the same measure of logic for everything and lead a fruitful and happy life. But along the way, we've lost the compass of our lives and drifted far away, losing sight of our focus. Perhaps we thought we've got it, we've found our footing, only to find that it was a lose foothold, and we had to readjust our position to 'stabilize' ourselves.

It's time we turn back to the Book and start seeing things for what it really is. A spade is still a spade, regardless of whether it's big or small, red or green. From today onwards, let your 'yes' be 'Yes', and 'no' be 'No'. Remember, 'in-betweens' just means that the cobwebs in your head hasn't been thoroughly cleared yet. Take your stand today. Pick your side of the fence. Only then can you live with a clear conscience, a peaceful heart and a joyful life.

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When your heart is clear, peace follows. 
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In short, no more accessing my neighbour's open wireless connection, even though he did not set any password to it, and I can use it freely anytime I like, sitting in a specific spot, trying to hook up to his connection to get a free ride on his speedy Wi-fi! Gritting my teeth just to maintain integrity!

P/S: 3 days after I wrote this, I stumbled upon this article about the world being gray. Seeing it in black and white, causes strife and war! Hmm.. Looks like the only constant thing in this world is change. The world does not consist of just black and white, it has other colours too! Learn to see the other colours, please, and appreciate them just for being themselves.


Every assignment brings about positive changes in every individual. This assignment has rocketed me into a journey of self-discovery, enabling me to know myself better. Knowing what makes me tick, and what doesn't, aids tremendously in my decision making process. It helps me to be confident, affirmative and most of all, not eaten by guilt for not conforming to the expectation of others.
This blog today, is entered as a milestone in my life to celebrate the triumph of my long journey to be where I am today. The future path may be even longer, even tougher. But as long as God is with me, there is nothing to fear! His love and assurance frees me from all bondages. Life in Christ is a life of liberty, victory and freedom!
Asking powerful questions unlocks more hidden doors that we've never known existed. Usually, these questions are simple. Yet, it reveals a lot more about ourselves than we thought we knew.
1. What makes you happy?
2. What calms you down?
3. What gives you job satisfaction/sense of accomplishment?
4. What gives you the motivation to persevere, stay on/live on, from one day to another?
5. What are you strengths?
6. What are you weaknesses?
7. How have you transformed since ...?

Change is inevitable and it is always for the better!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I have a very peculiar colleague who just loves to know everything, including how I spend my days, my time and my money. Last week, while we were having dinner, he asked, "So, what have all of you decided to do with your money?"
"I," he proudly declares, ".. have decided to buy a Mercedes Benz, S Class."
"I've used it to buy a house!" Another colleague chips in.
"I use it buy gold, and trade in Forex." says another.
"How about you, Jean? What are you going to do with all the money that you've accumulated?" asks my concerned colleague.
I just smiled and answered, "I don't know..." even  though I have a few ideas on what I'd possibly do with it. Guys... they can be very nosy sometimes. They love to offer opinions, even when it is not sought after.
So, what do I really want to do with my savings? House? I've got a pretty, decent house. All I need is one. I don't need another. Car? If I'm constantly out of the country, and my office is next to the train station, why do I need a car? Family? My family members are all independent by now. Everybody can fend for themselves. So I don't have to worry about them for the moment. Trust funds? Nope. They're not a very good investment, it's too volatile. Stock market? It's the same as trust funds and bonds. Trading in foreign currency? It's a stranger to me.
What's the best investment for me at my present stage? It's education.
I have always believed in education. With education, one can soar above the skies like an eagle. It is the key to liberation from poverty of mind, soul and spirit. There are many quotes that emphasizes on the importance of education, especially for girls and women. For instance:
1. If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a  nation.
2. Teach a girl, feed a village.
3. Educated girls, empowered societies.
I believe education is the best investment one can ever make. Investment in property may ensure that you have a stable life, that your future generation will never have to worry about their next source of income, but the benefits are limited only within the confines of your immediate family members. Investment in funds, bonds and stocks are high risk, and you might lose your funds overnight when the market comes crashing down.
However, if you invest in education, it'll bring you places . In fact, hasn't history proven how numerous individuals has elevated their quality of life by getting an education? The more one is taught, the more one's mind expand, and the more eager they are to apply what they've learnt and share it enthusiastically and passionately with others. The benefits of education extend way beyond the confines of your social circle and family members. A good educational institute ensures that you establish connections with industrial experts, professors who author books on several subjects, and expose you to as much real world experience as possible. You'll develop the intellectual and communication skills to convince others, and emerge with more structured thoughts, organized workflow and stand up for your own opinions. The best part is, you will be able to defend your ideas and support it with solid facts, figures and proven theories'; not easily swayed by others just because it wasn't your first degree.
With education, you will never go wrong. Never think it is a waste. It is always useful! I have never met an individual who regretted pursuing their post-graduate studies. Even though it may sting at first, but it is really worth it. So, remember, don't look back.

Forge ahead towards the realization of your dreams.
Remember, you are almost there. If anybody can do this, it's you!
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"Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth."
 - Paul Clitheroe -
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Other investment quotes worth referring to:
1. Warren Buffet
2. Investing Answers