Within the walls of the Stone City. What's that hole in the centre for? It is for soldiers to peek through the walls to see the position of the enemies. It is also used as a placeholder for bombs!
The path on the city was so wide that you could even build your house in it! Why is such a big space needed? so that the soldiers could overlook the inside and outside of the city. During war, soldiers could also take turns replacing each other!
Since the fort was built to fortify the city, naturally, the King would want the wall to be as strong as possible. So, how did the King achieve that? How did he manage to do such a good job that the wall could last even after 1000 years? 2 ways. First, the materials used. In the olden days, cement had not been invented yet. To seal the bricks together, a special glue which consisted of glutinous rice, flour, limestone and a few other secret ingredients were used. Each builder was in charge of building a certain section of the wall. To instill accountability and responsibility in the builders, the King made each of them carve their names onto the brick of the beginning of their section. Should that particular section contain any flaws, the King will order the builder, his whole family and all his relatives to the galleys to be beheaded! With such fear and respect, no wonder this wall lasts 'til today!
Since the fort was built to fortify the city, naturally, the King would want the wall to be as strong as possible. So, how did the King achieve that? How did he manage to do such a good job that the wall could last even after 1000 years? 2 ways. First, the materials used. In the olden days, cement had not been invented yet. To seal the bricks together, a special glue which consisted of glutinous rice, flour, limestone and a few other secret ingredients were used. Each builder was in charge of building a certain section of the wall. To instill accountability and responsibility in the builders, the King made each of them carve their names onto the brick of the beginning of their section. Should that particular section contain any flaws, the King will order the builder, his whole family and all his relatives to the galleys to be beheaded! With such fear and respect, no wonder this wall lasts 'til today!
Mining for Jade. Did you know that it was a rule for the miners of jade had to strip to their waist, and mine for jade bare-chested even in winter? This is to ensure that that they could distinguish between the smooth, cool feeling of jade against the rough rocks and would not miss out sieving of this valuable stone.
Internal Crystal drawing. This is a drawing on the reverse side of the crystal. The crystal is hollow. Drawing is on the inside of its walls. Everything has to be drawn as a reflection in the mirror. notice how intricate these strokes of the pen are! How careful colours are inserted into the space! How real it is!
The highlight of Nan Jing was visiting the Nan Jing museum.
It was built just a few years back to commemorate those sacrificed in the Nan Jing massacre. It is a reminder to the Japanese government that this event really did occur. Talks are on-going to persuade the Japanese government to pen this down in their history books and take responsibility for their actions.
It was built just a few years back to commemorate those sacrificed in the Nan Jing massacre. It is a reminder to the Japanese government that this event really did occur. Talks are on-going to persuade the Japanese government to pen this down in their history books and take responsibility for their actions.
It is said that Nan Jing is a city with a lot of negative 'chi'. Because many of their loved ones have been killed by the Japanese in the Nan Jing massacre, revenge, unforgiveness reigns heavily in this province.
I find it sad that such a city exists. To live in bitterness and with so much spite against a particular race must take up so much energy in one's soul! I think it is tiring and exhausting! One would definitely feel much lighter should the bitterness be sweetened, the hate be turned into forgiveness and love.
Yet, as humans, we often err in our judgment and actions. We often act according to our emotions. As they say, "to err is human." It is hard to act along God's path of action. However, bear in mind that if we do, we'll achieve a higher level and be able to control more of our emotions and rise up against the surging violence of the world.
I am sad to admit that it is much easier said than done. If nobody irks me, I'm fine. If I'm provoked, I think I too will be like the people of Nan Jing, forget not and remember the things that they've done to us. I know it's immature. Yes! I will definitely learn to control my emotions and mature in my path of thought.
I find it sad that such a city exists. To live in bitterness and with so much spite against a particular race must take up so much energy in one's soul! I think it is tiring and exhausting! One would definitely feel much lighter should the bitterness be sweetened, the hate be turned into forgiveness and love.
Yet, as humans, we often err in our judgment and actions. We often act according to our emotions. As they say, "to err is human." It is hard to act along God's path of action. However, bear in mind that if we do, we'll achieve a higher level and be able to control more of our emotions and rise up against the surging violence of the world.
I am sad to admit that it is much easier said than done. If nobody irks me, I'm fine. If I'm provoked, I think I too will be like the people of Nan Jing, forget not and remember the things that they've done to us. I know it's immature. Yes! I will definitely learn to control my emotions and mature in my path of thought.
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