Saturday, November 24, 2007

China, China!

China China! My motherland! D land of my ancestors, my origin.

When my mom first suggested we visited Shanghai, I vehemently protested. Of all places, why Shanghai? China is such a big country (its total area is 29 times of Malaysia's).

We can visit Gui Lin (d place famous for its hills), Yun Nan (famous for its blue, blue sky), Guang Zhou (famous for its Cantonese food)... but why Shanghai? Apparently, my parents just love shopping. So much so that they need to go to civilized locations which have McD , KFC, Parkson and Robinsons. How can that be unique? How can that even be termed as 'travelling'? I voiced out my two cents worth. But, parents being parents, they will always want all their children to be at their beck and call. Since I'm still young, and being the obedient, obliging daughter, I went along with their decision; sticking to my belief that visiting Shanghai won't be much different from Bangkok, Jakarta or Singapore's Orchard Road.

However, d moment we landed at the airport, and boarded the tour bus, greeted by our energetic tour guide, I knew this would definitely be a different tour. Throughout the journey from the airport to the hotel, the guide began to introduce Shanghai's Pu Dong airport to us, mentioning that it was built on reclaimed land.

It's cold outside. 17 degrees Celcius. I'm hungry, thirsty and tired. I, am too tired to listen. I just want to sleep. And so... I slept, on the bus and later, on the hard Chinese bed.

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