Ever thought of writing a comedy ?
Best way is to peel of layers of our masks that we've accumulated over the years, and expose the basics of human characteristics down to its very core. In short, see ourselves for who we really are.
Best way is to peel of layers of our masks that we've accumulated over the years, and expose the basics of human characteristics down to its very core. In short, see ourselves for who we really are.
Not so long ago, I was very keen on learning Arabic. I work with many Sudanese colleagues. So far, I've learnt how to say 'good morning', 'I'm fine' and 'thank you'in Arabic. So, one day, instead of saying 'tamam', I decided to learn how to say 'mir-mir (Excellent)!' , if somebody were to ask me, 'keif? (how are you?)'
Few days later, I got the opportunity to use it. I met an Egyptian colleague who asked me, "Keif?". and I chirped, "mir-mir!", feeling like the smartest girl in town.
The guy just made a straight face and went on talking to the Sudanese colleague, who by the way, is the one who taught me my new Arabic vocabulary. He interjects the conversation and said in Arabic that sounded like, "She just learnt to say mir-mir, and is expecting you to praise her for her intelligence!"
He bursts out laughing, the Egyptian merely gives a tight smile. I blush from embarassment, for my eagerness to demonstrate my level of intelligence, and left humility standing outdoors in the biting frost.
These days, the world is turned completely upside down. We even have a name for it- civility, politeness,educated, etiquette, you name it. Just last week I was invited to a dinner at a posh restaurant. For our drinks, I ordered water. To which the waitress responded, "spring water or sparkling water?"
When I heard the word 'sparkling', images of sun beams bouncing off the waters flashed across my mind. Does she mean that the water glitters under the moonlight?
So imagine my surprise when she described 'sparkling water' as 'water that tastes like Sprite without sugar'. Oooh! It's carbonated water! Eeew! Who on earth came up with that idea? Oh my gosh!
My mum always said, "Call a spoon-a spoon, and a spade-a spade. Never call it by any other name. You'll confuse people." Which explains why I'm a pretty confused person. These days , I never know what's what anymore.
Want an example of educated society? Let me give you one.
When I heard the word 'sparkling', images of sun beams bouncing off the waters flashed across my mind. Does she mean that the water glitters under the moonlight?
So imagine my surprise when she described 'sparkling water' as 'water that tastes like Sprite without sugar'. Oooh! It's carbonated water! Eeew! Who on earth came up with that idea? Oh my gosh!
My mum always said, "Call a spoon-a spoon, and a spade-a spade. Never call it by any other name. You'll confuse people." Which explains why I'm a pretty confused person. These days , I never know what's what anymore.
Want an example of educated society? Let me give you one.
A European family with fair complexion and blond hair is touring a village in India. Naturally, being of darker complexion. The villagers, having encountered them for the first time, gather around them, smile and start touching them to see if they are real.
Shift the scenario to the Western world. A Indian lady in a bright and colourful sari is walking along the streets of London on a sunny day. Everybody's curious and wondering,"Wow! Who's this pretty lady?" But nobody bats an eyelid. Instead, they tilt their head at an angle of one degree, with their eyeballs extended to the furthest corners of their vision, and try to sneak a peek at the lady across the street.
These days, we hide our desires and curiousity to fit into city-life, so much so that our true selves are beyond recognition. Many a times, we don't know who we really are and our purpose in life. Herein, lies the answer on why we need God-to reveal himself to us and from then on, we gradually get to know ourselves and fulfill our individual destinies. Because trust me, if you don't know God, you may have all your heart's desires and you'll still feel an emptiness in your heart. Deep down, you want to know that God loves you just for who you are, not because you're somebody's daughter, a lawyer, a monk, a volunteer, or a philanthropist; nor because of your deeds, wealth, knowledge or position. He just loves. No 'if-s', no 'but-s', no 'and-s'.
Now, isn't that great?
God is knocking at your door. Are you ready to let Him in? Open it and you're in for the greatest journey of your life. Once your door is ajar, your search ends, and the journey of amazing discovery and transformation will take place right in front of your very eyes.
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