Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trick or Treat?

Everybody needs a shoulder to lean on from time to time, be it a thin, bony shoulder;  a hard, fleshy shoulder; or a nice, comfy, perfect fit-of-a-head shoulder. 

At some point of time, I've come to realize that I need a shoulder to lean on too! Somebody who comforts me when I'm sad, accompany me when I'm lonely, give me smart words of wisdom to survive on the street, cheers me up when I'm down in the dumps, somebody refreshing, and of course! Someone who cooks really well. Somebody, who would be with me, 'til the ends of time (figuratively). Somehow, it beats leaning against the cold, glassy window panes of a bus.

After listening to my long-winded elaborations, some jokingly say, "Get a robot!" . Serious ones would say, "Lean to God. Focus on the powers above, not on earthly, temporary beings." My loved ones say, "Love yourself first. Your time will come."

Very often, we don't get what we want. Sometimes, we do, but at a cost. It is rare indeed to get something you desire, without having to sacrifice a single dime for it.

Is integration of everything possible? Sometimes, it is just a matter of re-prioritization.

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