Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Having spent a full day in the company of a group of tight-knitted community, talking about everything under the roof, especially our work and families (for what else can we talk about, since work encompasses 70% of our lives, and 30% of our lives goes to our families) , we found that we are often caught in a dilemma. More so if both areas overlap each other.

Even though most things seem pretty straight-forward, when various characters into play, the picture becomes complex. Gradually, we learn to consider little tricks that make people happy,  and avoid previously unbeknownst words/acts that trigger the unexpected explosive response, going into the  'Amygdala Hijack' mode. 

In all earnesty and modesty,, it is by staying true to our souls (the safest and bestest-best way),  that we are able to keep our sanity, purity and spirituality.


I often wonder...

How to render assistance, without insulting?
How to be opinionated, without being disrespectful?
How to assert your independence, without hurting others?
How to maintain professionalism, without being detached?
How to love your job, without being workaholic?
How to be friends, without falling head over heels?
How to achieve inner peace, without bitterness and vengeance?
How to love and be loved, without pretending, filled with hypocrisy?
How to be a bundle of joy, without being irritating and annoying?
How to prepare your closed ones for the unavoidable circumstances...

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