Saturday, February 26, 2011


Lately, I've been feeling very tensed. So much so that I laugh and cry easily. Hence, when one of my closest friends, announced that she'd be getting married, I jumped at the opportunity to attend her wedding ceremony. After all, it is not everyday that I get invited to attend weddings in Kuching, Sarawak.

Weddings are a sacred ceremony. Truly. Of all the ceremonies on earth, weddings are one of the happiest occasion, rejoiced by all. I never truly understood its meaning until I witnessed my friend's wedding at St. Thomas Church. 

As the newly wedded couple walked down the aisle, the atmosphere was charged with pure, simple joy. Another union has been formed and sanctified. One could see that they were absolutely in love with each other, smiling and laughing throughout the day, glowing with pride, radiating with love.

At the end of the ceremony, family, members and friends took turns taking pictures with the newly weds. The church choir, Priests, Family members, colleagues, friends, etc. The number of people could have easily exceeded a hundred. This wedding has the support and blessings of the whole community! Tears  welled up in my eyes. Though I've watched this simple scene replayed over and over again on cinema screens, somehow, seeing it unfolding in front of my eyes right now, just seems to tug away at my heart.

As I sat on the wooden pew, I couldn't help but wonder, "Will I ever have such a wedding ceremony? With the backup of everybody? My family, friends and colleagues?" 

I often envision myself having such a wedding as well. Nobody knows when the date would arrive. But, as my beloved friends always say, " Stay in the tower... 'til you meet your perfect half." 

Yes yes... I definitely will.

Congratulations, Les! Can't wait to see you carrying laughing babies soon! 


Friday, February 25, 2011


It is always great to meet up with friends, irregardless of the circumstances. Right after the wedding ceremony and dinner, we reminisced about the long-forgotten past. Just thinking about how we used to spend our time, clowning around, playing silly jokes on unsuspecting victims, laughing and fooling around, brought smiles upon our faces. 

Ahhh... Those were the days. Young, innocent. Most of all, fearless. We thought we are the ones who would rule and conquer the world once we graduated from the ivory tower. Hah!

Sadly, our lives drifted apart as soon as we started working. Thrown in the ocean, hurled by the storms, we have sobred up. Nowadays, we don't do 'ridiculous' things like waiting under the rain for a cab, walking ten miles to save on a dollar cab fee, or treading on unknown territory under moonlight, knowing full well we'd be shot if we get caught. 

These days, we are wiser. We think ahead, and consider the consequences of every single action before we execution. In fact, we have mellowed down, weighing our options before selecting them. Constructing invisible decision trees, evaluating every single option, placing values, benefits beneath them, to make our decisions. The days of hurried trudging through the thick jungle are long gone, only to be replaced by wary, cautious footsteps. Taking each day one step at a time. Sipping, instead of gulping. 

And so it is with our relationships as we go through life. While once, we were wholly trusting, friendly people, easily forming bonds and relationships with anybody; today, it is harder. Of course, in every part of our lives, somehow or rather, we thrive on relationships. Some are strong, some weak. Some temporary, some permanent, even after we are placed far, far apart.

What determines the strength of this bonding? Is it the amount of similarities that we share in common? Or were we united in the quest of achieving the very same goal? Or is it simply because we clicked, just like that? We feel absolutely safe and secure in the arms of one another, no security threat, impingement of privacy or  sadness... just a feeling of calm and joy flooding over us whenever we meet. 

Nature often has its own way of teaching us the ways of the world. When typhoon strikes, the biggest, thickest tree trunk will stand tall, even after the winds die down. 

Heavy oil is formed just the same way! As oil forms and floats up into a trap near the surface, it's attacked by bacteria from meteorite water. The lightest ends are consumed, the heavy ends remain. Guess what holds them? You're right! It's the long, complicated benzene rings with strong double bonds, linking them together.

Likewise, forging relationships is just the same. As long as we have ample time to get to know each other, we have the luxury of experiencing joy, triumph, trials and tribulations together. Perhaps, that is why our strongest bonds are often formed when we're in thrown in a camp or a hostel.

As we emerged out of it, we eventually accept each other for who we really are. Deep down, we are only humans. Despite our differing needs, wants, desires, vision and mission, we share a common aim. To have a good life, filled with happiness and joy.
Having seen my friend finally getting married, I'm proud of her, knowing that she has found her true soul-mate, who will be with her through thick and thin. May the Lord keep all marriages strong, and unite couples in their quest for a long lasting companionship.

"When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person."
From The Lighted Rooms by Richard Nelson

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trick or Treat?

Everybody needs a shoulder to lean on from time to time, be it a thin, bony shoulder;  a hard, fleshy shoulder; or a nice, comfy, perfect fit-of-a-head shoulder. 

At some point of time, I've come to realize that I need a shoulder to lean on too! Somebody who comforts me when I'm sad, accompany me when I'm lonely, give me smart words of wisdom to survive on the street, cheers me up when I'm down in the dumps, somebody refreshing, and of course! Someone who cooks really well. Somebody, who would be with me, 'til the ends of time (figuratively). Somehow, it beats leaning against the cold, glassy window panes of a bus.

After listening to my long-winded elaborations, some jokingly say, "Get a robot!" . Serious ones would say, "Lean to God. Focus on the powers above, not on earthly, temporary beings." My loved ones say, "Love yourself first. Your time will come."

Very often, we don't get what we want. Sometimes, we do, but at a cost. It is rare indeed to get something you desire, without having to sacrifice a single dime for it.

Is integration of everything possible? Sometimes, it is just a matter of re-prioritization.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Having spent a full day in the company of a group of tight-knitted community, talking about everything under the roof, especially our work and families (for what else can we talk about, since work encompasses 70% of our lives, and 30% of our lives goes to our families) , we found that we are often caught in a dilemma. More so if both areas overlap each other.

Even though most things seem pretty straight-forward, when various characters into play, the picture becomes complex. Gradually, we learn to consider little tricks that make people happy,  and avoid previously unbeknownst words/acts that trigger the unexpected explosive response, going into the  'Amygdala Hijack' mode. 

In all earnesty and modesty,, it is by staying true to our souls (the safest and bestest-best way),  that we are able to keep our sanity, purity and spirituality.


I often wonder...

How to render assistance, without insulting?
How to be opinionated, without being disrespectful?
How to assert your independence, without hurting others?
How to maintain professionalism, without being detached?
How to love your job, without being workaholic?
How to be friends, without falling head over heels?
How to achieve inner peace, without bitterness and vengeance?
How to love and be loved, without pretending, filled with hypocrisy?
How to be a bundle of joy, without being irritating and annoying?
How to prepare your closed ones for the unavoidable circumstances...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One Good Thing Leads to Another

Since I came back from the wedding, I've been tremendously joyous. Hmmm... probably because I've come to realize that there are more important things in life, especially those that involve a warm, human touch. Not my cold, heartless, intangible work which provide only a temporary refuge. 

 So, what has happened since then, that makes me sing for joy from the bottom of my heart? 

Well, first of all, I have been blessed with the additional help of a new intern. She's bright and cheerful, smart, fast and precise. Many hands make light work. Since she joined, my I don't have to do copy and paste work anymore!. 

Next, I've also been more patient with another intern of mine. I am gradually exposing her to different areas to gauge her interest, and mould her into a passionate, enthusiastic reservoir engineer. I see she loves numerical simulations, but she doesn't ask too many questions. 

One day, by chance, she happened to be available on a Saturday, and I exposed her to Petrosains Operations. I hope it will be the starting point of her life, where she will truly, fall in love with the profession of a petroleum engineer. It is after all, far more meaningful to derive joy and to be passionate about our jobs, rather than treating it as a mere means of obtaining our daily wage. 

Family life seems to be improving as well! Now, that is a relief indeed! Takes a tremendous load off my mind. Less domestic issues, more occasions that call for a celebration, such as career advancements, improved communication among family members, and travel opportunities.

One good thing always leads to another. Keep on holding to our faith and hopes. Everything will eventually turn out for the better. There is always light at the end of every tunnel; silver lining in every cloud; and a big, pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

Ooops.. did I mention? Prayer helps too! It certainly calms our nerves and help us to think straight ahead!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Retracing My Steps

Spending the last 24 hours in Kuching has certainly aided me in my attempts to re-synchronize with reality. At one point or another,  all of us face the same predicament, even though it may be under entirely different circumstances.

So, no matter what happens, I will always search for a positive outlook, in everything that I do. If I realized that I have started on the wrong foot, may I be granted the wisdom to retrace my steps, and start all over again. Take it all in stride, work out the remedial plans.

The key, is to never complain.  Instead, take the initiative to seek out solutions and change the world for the better. Hence, securing a brighter vision for ourselves and future generations.