Saturday, November 06, 2010

Chance of A Lifetime

Every once in a while, a shooting star swoops past us and crashes on the shores of our vast, green lands. We anticipate their arrival, predicting the exact time, date and place, whooping for joy when we actually see the phenomenal event happening right in front of our very eyes. It's shiny. It's magical. It's awesome. In most of our lives, witnessing a shooting star however, is a rare ocassion indeed. How many of us have actually seen it? In our minds, it only happens in movies, not real life.

So, when I was invited to participate in the SPE ATW Well Testing for Reservoir Management, I was elated. It has always been my desire to participate in international conferences in petroleum engineering, but the opportunity often escaped me. Partly because of limited funds and stiff competition. This time around though, I was fortunate enough to be selected to present and participate in the workshop. I was only too excited and happy to be able to join this International Conference. Yes! Finally!

What was even more fantastic was that this event would be graced by several well testing experts. Professor Roland Horne - the Author of our well testing textbook on Modern Well Test Analysis; Dr. George Stewart - Author of Well Testing Analysis & Pressure Transient Analysis; Olivier Houze  - the Developer and Managing Director of Kappa Software; Professor Shi Yi Zheng and Professor Christine Ehlig Economides, just to name a few. 

All of them have published books and papers on well testing that we refer to in our work in and out on a daily basis, whenever we are stuck in the analysis. Can you imagine? All of them will be attending this conference, the very same conference for 4 days! It's indescribable. It's just like the meeting of G-16, or ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, and I will be part of it. I was so excited that I looked forward to it, day and night, counting down the days towards the actual day I'd be travelling to Penang to present at my first international workshop.

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