Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Language is a funny thing. Although its commonly used as a tool of communication to express oneself, it differs and varies across states, even though it's the same language. People from different states and countries have their own unique ways of communicating in the same language.

During our recent trip to Tasik Kenyir, the Canadians  we were travelling with, found our spoken English tremendously amusing. Malaysians, based on their observation, tend to speak in words instead of sentences. For example, if a person asks, "Can we go out?" 

A Malaysian will answer "Can, can." . Twice. Repetitious. Short. Simple. Straight to the point.

A Canadian will answer, "Yes, if you think it's absolutely necessary."

They also find it funny the way we pronounce words that start with 'th'. Malaysians tend to eliminate the 'h' in words that begin with 'th'. Pronouncing 'three'  as 'tree, 'the' as 'd' , 'that' as 'd', 'think' as 'tink'. Hence when we say 'three bags', the way we say it, it'd sound like 'tree bags' instead of '3 bags', tickling our Canadian friends' funny bones. 

After spending two weeks in Malaysia, our Canadian friends have become partially Malaysianized - adding 'lah' to the end of almost every sentence, e.g. 'can-lah', 'no-lah', 'yes-lah', and '"aiyah! How come you don't know-lah?"  It's pretty entertaining hearing non-native Malaysians saying 'lah'!

In comparison, our Canadian friends spoke 10 times more than us. They can just speak so much, which is pretty amazing to me. These days, it is hard to get even 10 words out of my mouth. These Canadians, on the other hand, spoke as they thought. They spoke with eloquence, spontaneous with a lot of details and analysis. On one hand, I wished I could speak as much. On the other hand, in my current state, I find that speaking is a great effort, especially on non working related topics.

Life is a series of surprises. If everything went as planned, it wouldn't be life, would it?  This trip to Tasik Kenyir has taught me that I should really lighten up and not take everything soooooo.... seriously. Increase my frequency of meeting with friends, entertainment sessions. It starts now. By saying 'yes!' enthusiastically to all invitations to meet up.   *Wink*!

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