Thursday, November 05, 2009

First Impressions

The point of having an away day is to enable members of a team to get to know each other better. The need for having this day has been present since the day I joined.

I still remember the first day I joined this department. The only persons who were friendly were the secretaries, technical assistants and 2 cynical characters who possessed a weird sense of humour.

The very first comment that the department's most cynical characters said to me was, "Wow! You are so perky, bright and cheerful! What a great contrast that is to our atmosphere here. Welcome to our department, Billie Jean. The work may be crappy, but hey, who knows! you might like it! So, good luck. You'll need it!"

The rest of the characters just looked up and gave me a silent smile, and a firm handshake, giving me the idea that I have truly joined a department that is serious about its work. The first day I joined, I was overjoyed. I will be working for real once I 'm here. No more chatting during working hours, no more surfing on the net for daily newspaper articles, no more thoughts about furthering my studies, no more idle wondering about 'Hmm.... what about applying to other companies, just to see if I'm employable?'. No. Those thoughts will be banished. From now on, it will be just work, work, and work.

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