Friday, November 06, 2009


Two days ago, I had my first away day for this year at Port Dickson. It was on a Friday and I happily decided to skip work. I woke up at 8.00 am (half an hour later than the usual time I take the tube to the Twin Towers). Since I had ample time, I hand-washed my best clothes, hung them on the clothes lines and left it to dry, had my cereal for breakfast, cleaned my room and gave it a sweep, kept everything in their places before I left for PD.

I thought we were supposed to meet up at 10.30. Turns out I was late for 30 minutes.

Wow! I thought my friends were going to fire me. Thankfully, they didn't . Instead, they resumed talking about the movie 'Fast and Furious' as I stepped into the car. Ahhhh... good for them, and me!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

First Impressions

The point of having an away day is to enable members of a team to get to know each other better. The need for having this day has been present since the day I joined.

I still remember the first day I joined this department. The only persons who were friendly were the secretaries, technical assistants and 2 cynical characters who possessed a weird sense of humour.

The very first comment that the department's most cynical characters said to me was, "Wow! You are so perky, bright and cheerful! What a great contrast that is to our atmosphere here. Welcome to our department, Billie Jean. The work may be crappy, but hey, who knows! you might like it! So, good luck. You'll need it!"

The rest of the characters just looked up and gave me a silent smile, and a firm handshake, giving me the idea that I have truly joined a department that is serious about its work. The first day I joined, I was overjoyed. I will be working for real once I 'm here. No more chatting during working hours, no more surfing on the net for daily newspaper articles, no more thoughts about furthering my studies, no more idle wondering about 'Hmm.... what about applying to other companies, just to see if I'm employable?'. No. Those thoughts will be banished. From now on, it will be just work, work, and work.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Reality Sets In

I work for an organization who takes pride in striking a balance between work and life, commonly known as 'work-life' balance. Frankly, throughout my 3 years of working here, I have only experienced it once, and that, was in my first year within the organization. At that time, I experienced a wholesome experience of planning in the office, communicating with contractors, executing the job on-site on the ocean, interacting with more people apart from contractors, getting the data that I need, analyzing it in the office and producing reports on the job.

After a completed cycle, I will get 2 weeks off, just to compensate for the hardship experienced. (Although at that time, I didn't think that it was hardship at all. I was only too happy to work , and to earn d extra holidays, which allowed me to travel to every country, as often as I liked.) I even had the chance to sit at home and watch countless movies, write to my heart's content and engage in endless banter.

I have digressed. Back to my current situation.

In my first few months in the new department, life was hectic. First, I had to embrace hydrocarbon accounting. Personally, I don't like numbers very much. To me, they only end up confusing my light, feather-haired brains. I love descriptions. I love sceneries. I love reading and writing of all sorts. Not numbers. They confuse me, more than making me alive.
So, for the first quarter, I spent countless nights staying up, balancing the spreadsheets, ensuring the numbers tallied with each other, from one worksheet to another. I had to colour code each cell, each section, bolding the titles, checking it for every well, every string, every reservoir and countless other spreadsheets to ensure it tallied.

When it didn't tally, I often turned to my housemate who was in the banking industry, who did accounting with real money on a daily basis. She was such an excellent help that she solved everything in just a matter of seconds, which, if it were left up to me, would have taken me days and hours just to find out the source of the error.

Later on, I was assigned to help out in the interpretation and analysis of data from other fields. Analyzing pressure data was what I loved. So, soon, I got so involved in the job that I began spending more and more time at the office, discussing with geologists, fellow reservoir engineers, geophysicists and countless other professions on the possibilities of existing barriers.

At the same time, I was exposed to an entirely new aspect of my job, which was dealing with entirely new softwares and forecasting numbers. The first time I did it, I cried to my heart's content. Wondering what on earth did I do wrong to deserve all these hardship. Couldn't we just outsource it to any of the available engineers around us? Nevertheless, in times like these, jobs are hard to come by. Challenging as it may be, I just have to 'suck it up' , be a dear, and finish up my job. I came to the office on weekends and stayed on until late in the night, just to view the results and submit a few more runs before I returned home.

It was a hectic, and tiring journey. Had there been bathrooms and beds present next to my workstation, I would have been so glad to be able to just live there forever.

The job took 6 months to complete. When the job was approved and the reporting cycle had ended, I was so relieved. Suddenly, I looked up and saw that I had turned into a sulky, anti-social, temperamental individual. I had skipped lunches, dinners, just to finish up the work. I had less lunch appointments. I had less exercise regimes. I hadn't even travelled to any of the countries that I have been planning all this while at all too!

Oh! No! Where had all the time gone to? What have I done with my previous, perky, bright and cheerful, innocent self? Oh no! I........ have been transformed into an a typical gray rat with whiskers, who rode on the rodent's vicious wheel of life, cycling and cycling non stop on the wheel of no return.

That, was when I uttered, "Congratulations, Jean. Welcome to the rat race."

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


As humans, we thrive on relationships. Whether it is with our family members, colleagues, friends, strangers or acquaintances; good or bad, mutual or non-mutual, we need to communicate.

As much as we love communicating, very often, the time to yearn to know somebody better just isn't there due to the limiting conditions of the environment. Hence, the need for conducting a team building session. This, is the time that we need to rekindle our feelings for each other. To understand why we should respect each other's boundaries in the first place. To put ourselves in the shoes of others and look at the world from their perspectives. To get a thorough view on the conditions and situations that moulded them into who they are, standing in front of us today.

Why is a person so pushy? Why is that person so patient? Why is this person so confident of his leadership capabilities in all situations? Why is he so charismatic? Why is she so docile? These questions are usually answered during a team building session.

The need to remind everyone of our vision and mission every year lingers in the air. What with our daily hectic schedules and lifestyles, most of us don't even give second thoughts to our organization's vision, unless it's being indoctrinated into our souls day and night.

Strength is in numbers. As long as we work towards one common objective, success is in our hands. Hence, the need of a team building session, where staff from the same department eat, live, play, think and even sleep with each other for at least 3 days and 2 nights, sharing and talking about everything under the sun. Creating a positively, happy atmosphere; a lifetime of remembrance; where everybody goes back feeling fulfilled, knowing full well that at the end of the day, they got to know their colleagues better than ever before.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Port Dickson

So, what does my lamentations/grouses/broodings above have anything to do with the theme of my blog, which is supposed to be based on holidays?

First of all, my company trip was supposed to be a fun-filled, relaxing time away from the office, where everybody will get to know people they have never interacted with on a personal level. Second of all, it was supposed to be a holiday. All play and no work.

Well, to say the very least, the session was only enliven up on the last day of the event, where the 2 most important elements above were combined. The first day was all work. The early second half of the day was about work as well. The later second half of the day were spent walking aimlessly around the grounds of the hotel, looking for supposedly hidden 'clues' and 'treasures'.

On the third day, we played charades . A game, which didn't require words (Thank God!) and only pure, immediate actions. God knows how much we need charades in our daily employment. An organization can't be filled with only people who just talk and voice out their ideas and expect little minions to execute their plans. People who come up with zillions of innovative ideas , whose only effort to ensure the ideas are acted upon are through emails and instructions.

It was fun because everybody played their parts with such excellence. Roles were well defined. Everybody understood that it was a process that each of them had to go through. Laughter abundant, jokes anticipated at every corner.

It is ironic that out of the 6 sessions spent together, I only enjoyed the last. Perhaps, sessions like these are not meant for enjoyment. More for re-enforcing the spirit of knowing who's who in the organization and identifying further improvement opportunities just for the sake of formalizing them officially.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fruits of Wild Imagination

During our team building sessions, there were several talks which spurred several of my creative moments. From a single sheet of blank paper with leaves, I managed to create several art pieces. These included:

The Almond Tree

Sick Plants

Yin & Yang Plants

Philosophical Art

Fruity Jungle


Named Little Winged Baby Pencil Insects