Sunday, December 15, 2013

Something I Discovered about Myself...

I am impulsive, impatient. I need to do something all the time, be it thinking, reading, writing or watching tv. So I usually need to have a busy schedule to keep myself occupied. I do not like to be idle, even though I've read the book on "How to be Idle" (Maybe I need to read it again). 

Pens and papers are my best friends. Without them, I'd feel as if I am losing part of my limb. They help me to think, to express myself, to know myself, to know others, to think, to count, to play, to develop, to grow, to share, to laugh, to love, to play and to love. 

I need to write because I have short term memory loss. Things that I do not record, will end up missing from my memory bank. Well, most things anyway. Especially things which I consider petty and trivial. 

I love fun, excitement, challenges, explaining, and venturing out to new territories. 

Speak up. That's what I really, really want to do. Not just swallow everything down. 

I need to do the right thing. Because I feel impelled to do the right thing all the time. Every time I deviate from the path that I'm supposed to walk on, I'd be eaten up by guilt. 

I know God loves me. But, I need somebody to protect me and love me. I wish ... I find that somebody soon... (or vice-versa). 

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