Saturday, July 20, 2013

Drawing Parallelisms

I like parallelisms. It simplifies life, which can be complicated in unimaginable ways.
So this morning, I'm running around the lake and had five 'Aha!'  moments.
#1: I'm running round and round in circles.
Parallelism: Suddenly, I realize that life is a cycle. No matter which direction we run, clockwise or counterclockwise, we still end up at the same place.

#2. The morning sun is about 5 degrees in the sky from the centre of the earth. I run, sometimes facing the scorching sun, sometimes under the cooling shade of trees.
Parallelism:  Life has its equal share of ups and downs. One causes immense happiness, another wrenches our heart. Both do not last forever.
#3: It's hot, I run as fast as I can. It's cooling and I run a little slower.
Parallelism: When you find the place that you want to be in, relax and unwind. Enjoy it while it lasts or until you get bored and need a drastic change in life.
#4. I look around me. All I see are tall, man-made buildings. I look up, I see the clouds in the heavens. I look down, I see springs, flowers and grasses.
Parallelism: Very often, we always look around us and tend to rely on our own strength or others for support. Very rarely, do we look up and down to realize that we have a God who is with us 24/7,day or night, rain or shine, winter or summer. Look up, from time to time, and realize that you are not alone and you have absolutely nothing to fear.
#5. I am enjoying the warmth of the sun rays. After some time, it gets too hot. Oh no! It's biting into me. I gotta run!
Parallelism: When the circumstances get too tough, we can opt to change our circumstances. You always have the freedom to change. It's not always that you have to grit your teeth, and bear with the heat. Once you hear yourself complaining, alarms are sounding to warn you that your boundaries have been violated. Take action. You're human. You're mobile. You can move yourself out of the situation. Be courageous. Take risks. You will then be able to view things from a whole new perspective.
There are some who say, simple people complicate life, complex people simplify life. I must be in the first category. I think too much. I should stop analyzing everything.
It's just a run, Jean.
Get a life!
Life is about deciding what's best for yourself: pursuing it, implementing it, achieving it, evaluating it and sharing it.
Live it.

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