Monday, January 02, 2012

Living in Dubai, can sometimes seem like living in a glass castle. At the beck of your call, with the promising sight of dollar bills, you'll have people literally running to serve you hand, foot and mouth (manicure, pedicure and restaurants). There's a high degree of freedom, and a variety of ways to pampering and entertaining oneself. The treatment accorded, is often that commonly reserved for royalty in other parts of the world. For a first timer, this can be shocking. After a while, one becomes accustomed to it. Life is so carpeted here. You'd be forgiven if you think that this, is, heaven. 

It is no wonder then, often said that Dubai is the number one place to work for expatriates. One never realizes the truth this phrase holds until one ventures out of Dubai. Anywhere outside Dubai, one is reminded of human race's trials and tribulations. In Turkey, I saw how the economy had taken a turn for the worse. In Fujeirah, I realized that not all cities in the UAE consist of high rise buildings. Along the way to Oman, the land looked really barren, except for the dates plantation. In Tanzania, the simplicity of the locals put us to shame for wanting much more out of life. 

Dubai then, is a place for one to forget all of one's troubles. Here, one learns of the many luxuries that can be bought with cash. Yet, at the same time, one easily forgets that it is always the intangible elements that counts.  A reassuring word; a heart-warming smile; a tight, loving hug; a song from the soul... In Dubai, seeking for this items seem like a search for a needle in the haystack. 

Because, here, most feel as if they're living on borrowed time. We know, we won't be here forever. We know, this is just temporary. We know, it is here, that we can access to parts of the world, we'd never visit, if we weren't based here. It ignites a strong desire in us to visit every country and continent, from Europe, to Africa to Central Asia and of course, Gulf region. It makes us more appreciative of the little things in life. It makes us more open to new ideas and suggestions. It makes us more receptive to new cultures. It transforms us into self-reflective creatures and in many ways, enhance our sense of identity, and strengthens our characters. Here, you get an idea of what it'd be like, if globalization were to take place on every corner of the globe. It is here, one truly lives. That, is why, I love Dubai. 

Today, I no longer ask, "What's the meaning of life?" For these are extremely futile attempts. Some, search for eternity, and never find the answers. And what would be gained, by asking these questions? Except to confuse ourselves further?

Instead, I ask, "How shall I live life to the fullest every second?" 

For, life is short. It is unpredictable. It is spontaneous. This, is life. Embrace it. Celebrate it and love it. For like an eternal spring of youth, it is temperamental and unpredictable. 

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