Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Melody Beattie

I think I must have seemed like a damsel in distress, ready to cry anytime. Quiet, flushed complexion, with beads of sweat dripping down onto the floor, with a long-lost, faraway look. The driver, being his fatherly self (he reminds me of Santa Claus), attempted to soothe my nerves by making small talk.

"See this flowers?" He points to a bouquet of pink flowers with small petals, a bunch of them, stuck in a transparent mineral water bottle. "I plucked them while I was stuck in a long jam on the highway last week. Amazing, isn't it? It's been a week, and they're still alive!"

The fact that these flowers are alive and have not wilted is not surprising. I've seen some flowers who stand tall and upright, even after being plucked from their stems after a month. However, I am surprised that he is able to enjoy the beauty of the flowers whilst driving.

"Waaaah!" the ever obliging me... 'oooh-s' in amazement. "How did you manage to do that?! You were very close to the divider?"

"Of course! Beauty is meant to be admired! I just decided to uproot them and transfer them to brighten this bus. Everything needs a little decoration to lighten up the atmosphere, make it more homely and pleasant. Don't you think so?"

" Aaaah.... definitely. It takes away the sleepiness too! The flowers are so bright that you'd immediately jerk up the moment you set your sight upon it."

"Indeed! Indeed!" The bus driver happy that I've responded... began to tell humour me with riddles and jokes.

What's so special about the sentence ' The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' ?

Do you know how the term 'gostan'  and 'mat-salleh' were coined?

Do you know why Singapore's dollar hold higher value than the ringgit?



Life is more interesting when we throw in a few jokes.

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