Monday, May 31, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonades Out Of It

So, what did I learn from this whole episode?

Lesson 1: When life hands you lemons, make lemonades out of it.
I purchased a really run-down house, and managed to turn it into a comfortable home!

Lesson 2: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
When the termites attacked all my furniture, I exterminated them, and took away their food, preventing them from attacking my house forever.

Lesson 3: Whatever problems that can be solved by money, is not a problem at all.
I used to laugh at this proverb, ridiculing it. However, when I saw the magical touches of the renovation works, I thought… perhaps this phrase is true after all. However, digging deep into my pockets, was like cutting out a piece of my heart. It hurts. Very, very much.

Lesson 4: Enjoying the fruits of our labour.
Instead of being a workaholic robot, I will start inviting friends over for lunch and dinner, to rekindle relationships. Loving, laughing, smiling with radiance, once more.

Lesson 5: Sharing is caring.
Whenever I am in my parents’ home, I treat most things as mine. However, when my family come, they use everything without asking me, moving things around. Initially, I was very annoyed. However, as time went by, I began to accept it as a way of life - family life.

Lesson 6: Quality time, not Quantity time.
When I am staying alone, all I care is about myself. My work, my time, my rules, my way. But, when I am staying with my family, all of us have to re-adjust our priorities and take turns taking care of each other's needs. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. No matter how busy we are, we still have to take the time to listen to the stories of our loved ones, and communicate with them as well. Taking time out to listen; conduct some simple activities together, are just some of them. We may not have much time to spare, but we must spend at least a few golden moments together each day.
In short, here's a summary on the main differences between solo life and family life:
Individuals: What's mine is mine, what's yours is also mine.
Sharing : What's yours is mine, what's mine is yours.
And, That, is what family is all about.

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