Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Change & Transformation

In every era & venue, change is occuring all the time. Some are fast, some, slow. More often than not, as 'city-fied' people with professional careers, we are often too busy to notice, or even bother.

The last time I stayed with my friend in Pangkor before I graduated from university, I was pretty impressed with the well at the back of her house. I remember seeing her mother using a thick rope and tied to a bucket, drawing water from the well every time she needed to cook, wash and clean. The rooms were next to the living room, next to the dining area.

This time around though, the wooden walls of the house has been replaced by bricks. The well had been removed and replaced by tiles. I was devastated to hear that the well was 'killed'. After all, having a well in a house is like having a 10,000 year old antique vase from the Qing Dynasty. Wells like my friend's, which can, in fact, still be utilized, are almost extinct these days. So, it was a sad state of affairs for me.

Yet, when I think deeply about it, change, is, sometimes necessary. For without change, from whence come progress?

Change is inevitable. Most of the time, it is within the best interest of the younger generation. More often than not, change is for the best.

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