The beauty about travelling to another state is that we get to see things that we would never get to see had we been staying put at the same place. For instance:
Encounter with the Rozella fruit
"What's this for?" I boldly asks the Makcik who's selling Rozella.
"Oh! It's used to make air sirap and such." she says. "Belum pernah jumpe? ( Haven't you seen it before?)"
" A ah.. " I nodded a little too enthusiastically. " Belum pernah lah, 'cik. ( Not yet, aunty)" I admitted, much to her amusement.
K. k. I admit. This is the first time I've seen tomatoes growing on trees. In my kampung, we just have chili padi plants, oil palm, rubber trees and cocoa trees.
A Dragon fruit tree.
Dragon fruit seems to be able to be able to grow anywhere in Sarawak. See! They can even plant it at the back of their yards! What a luxury!
The first time I saw this Papaya tree fruiting bountifully, I was awed. Not only by the fact that it growing through the cracks of the drain, but also that it survived growing under these conditions throughout its life, and managed to produce bountiful fruits!
I asked the owner of the house if this was done deliberately. Apparently, it wasn't. One of the sparrows hopped past the house one day and dropped the papaya seeds just at the right spot. and the seedling grew into this big, strong tree.
The owner added that given that lots of detergent and soap powder flow into the drain, which happens to be used to water this tree, it is then no surprise that this tree is in the pink of health and manages to bear lots of fruits at the same time.
"Didn't you know?" he adds. "Detergents are good fertilizers too!"
Oh wow.. I didn't know that. To me, detergents are poisons. If you drink them, you'll kick the bucket. Why would it be any different for plants? Perhaps, plants have a stronger kidney than humans.
It has been about 2 years since I walked into such a shop with ancient Chiense decoration as their theme. The last time I I walked into one, was in China, in Hangzhou.
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