Monday, February 02, 2009

The Teasing

As we enjoyed our dinner by the riverside that night, we finally showed our true colours. Syuk loves to eat the Kelah fish, and he literally eats the whole fish except for the bones. I found the way he puts the whole fish and cleans off the bits of flesh stuck among the bones adorable. Frankly, I have never seen anybody polishing off a fish like that. Even myself, as much as I love crabs and fishes and squids.

Purportedly, Kelah fish is one of the most expensive fish in this region because it is hard to catch. It likes to hide among the rocks, staying very still. But when you try to catch it, it swims off and disappears in a second. One has to be very patient to catch this species. It lives only in clean rivers. Thus, one has to go upstream to catch it.

As we sat there, we found out who smoked the most, ate the most, laughed the most , loved petai the most.... etc. We had created our comfortable niche of close knitted friends.

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