Sunday, September 18, 2016

Yes! HWU, Here I Come!

I know, I know. I promised to myself not to write anymore. But, I couldn't resist the temptation! I just have to write this time!

Yes! Yes! Yes! I am finally here at Heriot Watt University, in Edinburgh!

I have been waiting and waiting for this opportunity for 10 years! And it is everything I have imagined!

Oh my God! Edinburgh is just like Kedah! haha! There are fields and farms everywhere! And, it is next to the sea! I love it!

There are so many ducks and swans on the lake, and birds, and squirrels and rabbits too! Wah! I wonder what I'll see next on each walk of mine.

Oh oh oh! It feels so good to be out here! Next to the green, green grass and trees and lake! I wish I stayed outdoors. ahhaha!

Hmm.. I'll post some pictures of the university grounds here. This university is so natural. It almost seems like a tourist spot. There are heritage trails, sight-seeing trails even though it's for jogging purposes. Unbelievable!

Friday, September 16, 2016

I shall not fear

Today, I met my supervisors for the second time, and we discussed several things! Oh no! I find out that I have to read so many types of thesis and papers and journals! oh oh oh oh oh! Will I be able to finish it? I wonder and wonder...

As these doubts creep into my mind, my friend motivates me, "Jean! Of course you can! Don't even think for a moment that you can't. With your will, determination and perseverance, you will be able to conquer it!"

A hah! I definitely hope so.

As if reading my mind, during Bible Study, we came across the following verses:


Fear not, for I am with you.
"Fear not, for I am with you.
   Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
 I will strengthen you, I will help you.
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
~ Isaiah 41:10 ~

Joshua to Succeed Moses
"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."
~ Deuteronomy 31:8 ~

Exhortation, Encouragement & Prayer
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand: do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:6-7 ~

I Have Overcome the World
"I (Jesus) have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world."
~ John 16:33 ~


Oh! Oh! I must remember the above! I will not be afraid! I will not fear. For Jesus has overcome all things, and if he can overcome, I can too!

No matter what kind of tribulations we face, God remains the same. This is His characteristic. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Therefore He is our Lord. He is faithful. He never lets us go, even if we have strayed away. This is my God. He is good. All the time. He loves me, and I love Him. I will not let Him down.

Oh God! As you listen to this plea from my heart, I pray that you help me to answer my prayer ... to write a poem to my fiancé, and understand the thesis and papers that I am supposed to read, and prepare a very interesting and impressive piece of presentation pack.

Oh God, I pray that you'll bless my life here, and my (our) marriage too.

I pray, I pray, I pray.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Awakening Minds

I used to love teaching. Until I was assigned to be a coach. That was when I felt really stressed. Because how do you ensure that your coachees will progress and learn everything in 1-3 years time? If they improve, it's to their credit. If there is no progress in their learning, I will be accountable for it. Is this fair? 

When I was a coachee, I did not hold anybody accountable for my progress. I just asked questions whenever I felt like it. When they were answered, I felt happy. When they were not answered, I just continued seeking from books, colleagues, seniors, friends, Google... In short, I turned to all sorts of resources. 

Thus, I felt really stressed when somebody comes to me and say, "You are my coach!"

At first, I was excited. Until I realized that they expected me to have all the answers. And when I gave them assignments, they never came. 

So, I got dejected. Because somethings must be done to be learned. Just like dancing, fishing or even cooking. We can look at the recipe book the whole day, but when it comes to the actual session, we still need to cook a few times to perfect the dish! 

So, when I listened to one of the lecturers speaking today, and the speaker, Gillian, mentioned, "You can't teach people. People teach themselves. You can only motivate."

And so, I was silently delighted! And a little bit relieved. I think I relished and savoured that very moment, that only coaches like me understood. 

Indeed! Indeed! This is true indeed! 

With regards to this aspect, Anatole France says it best, "The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards."

Oh, Oh, I do hope that I will be able to awaken many, many young minds everywhere I go. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Very First Lesson from PhD

Since I started this PhD programme, I have been wondering if this is for me, if this is what I really, really want. I love the green, green grass, and the blue, blue lakes. I love watching the ducks and the swans floating calmly on the lake. Also, I love to feel the wind blowing strongly against my face, ruffling up my short, wavy hair, and I love feeling the chill in my bones. It makes me feel fresh, and alive. 

In the first week, I didn't see how I could progress here. All I did was literature review and lots of reading, lots and lots of it. I got bored. I wanted to start work immediately. I had forgotten that as with all new work, I have to work a lot on understanding it. And so, I persisted. I read, I summarized, I wrote, I asked, I interacted. 

Finally, when I discussed with my professor, I got some positive encouragement. I was delighted. I knew right there and then, positive words of reassurance is something I really, really need. Work is something I know well, and something I cherish. I derive joy from it. Lots and lots of joy and pleasure. I love my job. 

So, here goes my fiancĂ© who chides or teases me for loving my world of geology and reservoir engineering. "Get a life." he says. 

But, the thing that makes me feel alive, is something that makes me happy and gives me a sense of accomplishment. With my job, I always know where I am heading, the challenges that I will face, and I have devised many ways and methods to face them, solve them. In fact, I don't treat them as problems or stumbling blocks, but every little challenge I face at work, I look at it as an opportunity or as a stepping stone. I love my life more when I have something to look forward to at my area of research. 

However, with relationships, that, is another different domain. Perhaps, I have a very weak heart. I don't understand how relationships work, or probably I don't really want to understand either. I feel that every single time I pour in more effort, I get stung. Should I continue, or should I not? 

So, today, when I discussed with my French professor, he gave me the following advice, "Jean, Jean! You must check and everything that you come across, be it audio or visual, everything that you've read, heard and seen. In PhD, you must have at least three reference sources or methods. The first and the second can be random occurences. But if you observe the same phenomena for the third, and the fourth, then you can be sure that it is not random. In fact, don't just believe something because it is in print form, or it is on the internet, or because it is said by something by famous. To present with conviction, to be professsional, you must be convinced of the fact or finding yourself too. In fact, if you ask someone about his or her theory or belief, they will provide many and various reasons for their arguments, but they will seldom or never give the drawbacks of their methods. So, it is your responsibility to find that out. You have to be really, really sure you understand how it works. Experience it yourself with real examples, then prove it. Start out with the ones you know first, and develop the technique from there."

Then when we discussed about normalization, he had this to say, "Oh! I'm glad you asked this question. In fact, I have the same question too! You know, the same word can mean different things to different people. When we talk about normalization, geophysicists, engineers, physicians, and mathematicians understand it and approach it from a different point of view. So, people will understand the same term from a different context."

As I interacted more with my French professor, I feel all the energy flowing back into my soul, and adrenaline rushing through my veins once again. Yes! Yes! Yes! This is what I came here for. To be inspired, and to feel like I am doing something meaningful, something exciting, to be one of the frontiers of technology. 

I am excited once more. I want to do this, once and for all. I will not care how long it takes. I must make sure I understand this topic, once and for all, and after that, I will be ready to head a new department (if there be any). 

I have always wanted to pursue a PhD. This is because I really, really want to become a lecturer when I eventually retire. Or maybe, even a professor. But, I guess, I still have a long, long way to go. But, if going for a PhD is just an experience, I will treasure it. I will make sure I complete this, no matter how long it takes. I will cherish this experience. I will thank my professors for recruiting me, and the company who sponsors me, by finishing and complete this with my whole heart and soul. 

Oh, God, I just want to thank you for giving me this opportunity and placing me here. I really, truly appreciate it. I hope I will not disappoint you. I pray that you help me to feel your Spirit flowing through my work, and my life here, and contribute to the team here. 

Oh, Lord! I just want to pray, so , so much, that you will bless this work of mine, just as you bless Vincent's work in every area of his life and his part in society too! 

Oh God, I just want to surrender our lives and our relationship to you. May you bless it and let your Spirit be with us, and in our midst, forever and ever. 

In Jesus' most precious name I pray, 