Monday, January 13, 2014

What do you think?

So, recently, somebody pointed to a poster and asked me: "Jean, what do you think of this person? "

Frankly, I didn't know what to think. After all, I was always brought up to think, "Do not judge a person by its cover." and "Beauty is internal. Not external." As such, I rarely put in my two cents worth on what I think about others. So far, I've seen it paid off. And I've seen first hand how words may make or break a person. And I don't want others to go through it again. Therefore, Jean, keep your personal opinions to yourself. Don't be part of the Gossip Team! 

Friday, January 10, 2014


It's been a long time since I saw Cuckoo Clocks! I just loved to see them popping out at each hour, doing funny stuff. For example, woodpecker pecking trees or wives knocking the heads of their husbands for coming back late, or lovers dancing to the rhythm. 

And did you know that cuckoo clocks designs evolve too? Mmm.. they do! From wood to metal, from heavy weight balancing to wooden decorative weights, from wooden mechanics to metal internal parts to electronic parts.. Today, there are even cuckoo clocks who mimmick the sounds of fountains and water falls! Amazing! 


I just love museums! Maybe I love history, and exploring the past!

Spent four hours at the Tower Bridge Museum and Science Museum. Fantastic!

So, here's what I found out:

From the Tower Bridge Museum: 
The queen's crowned jewels weigh 20kg!
And the king beheaded people to ensure that they're absolutely dead .
Once, they even stiched the head of one of the beheaded because they realized that there was no picture of him and sent all the members of the body to every province of England.

From the London Science Museum:
The more well travelled you are, the more rounded you are.
Oxygen builds up gradually in the environment with time.
Nothing lives forever, neither body nor solid rock.
Restless in perpetuality.

From the National Gallery:
Pictures that make you think about life... how beautiful it is, how cruel it can be and how admirable it is...
1. The Forcibly Bewitched
2. The Llouvre under the snow
3. Montmarte in the night
4. The Attic Nights
5. Antwerp
6. Vienna in the 16th-19th Centuries!

From the Walking Tour:
Buckingham Palace was originally built by one of the ministers/officers in the country. Upon completion, The owner was so proud of his newly built home that he invited the King to his house. He was, in fact, so proud of his home that he asked the King, "Do you like my house? Isn't it beautiful?"

The King did like it very much. So much so that he 'ordered' the minister/officer to give the newly built house to him. And the poor officer, had to oblige. The King paid the officer 250,000 pounds (I think that was the sum). And so, that's Buckingham Palace came to be the residence of the royal family.

Then, there was this St. Jame's Palace, which used to be the palace of King James. When he built it, he wanted a fireplace in every room. As a result, the building had lots of chimneys. At that time, firewood (I think), or some sort of fuel for burning, was expensive. Hence, when people from all over the world saw the chimneys, it gave the impression that King James was a very rich king indeed.

Plus, I never knew that the Louvre was built even before 1900s! At the National Gallery in London, I saw pictures of Venice, Budapest, Antwerp, Paris, Montmart, etc of what it was like in the 16th, 17th, 18,th and 19th Century. I was impressed and fell in love with all the drawings! I wish I could take them home with me.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Paris and Pickpockets

Apart from romance and lights, Paris is also famous for pick-pockets. One day, I just forgot about all about it and lost my phone on the train to the smart pick-pocket!

And, I saw this notice too late! 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Votre telephone est precieux. il peut faire des envieux. 
Nous vous conseillleirs d'etre vigilant si vous l'utilisez en public.
(Your telephone is precious and may cause envy. 
We wish to advise you to be vigilant when using it in public.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lesson Learnt:
Don't bring things you don't want to lose , in public. If you do, make sure you are prepared to not lose it. 

I also did a probability of losing my things on the train, and I realized it totaled up to 40%! That meant anything valuable that I brought out in the public, will automatically be devalued by 40%! Well well, Jean! Remember! Keep your things in the pocket or don't bring them out! 

So far, I have lost so many things while I stayed in hotels or travelled around Europe.
I left my green rain coat in Wessex. 
I left my moisturizer in Hungary. 
I lost my phone in Paris. 
I left my shampoo in London. 

I am always losing something!

In conclusion, when going on a trip, don't bring anything you don't want to lose!