Sunday, July 13, 2008

Facts and Logic Speak Louder than Sense of Smell

I have always heard about Rig-134 but I have never been on it. So, it was with tremendous exhilaration that I boarded the chopper on Sunday afternoon. I thought I’d never set foot on offshore rigs again. But lo and behold! The opportunity presented itself once more!

For this well, all the facts indicated that the zone perforated contained water. From the logs, and samples taken, it all showed that it was water. Theoretically, water is denser than oil. So, if a well is drilled at the crest, and it already shows water, there is no possibility that oil is present anywhere else. However, the well-site geologists refused to believe, trusting that the oil just wasn’t able to flow because it was too viscous. In fact, when the sample was shone under UV light, the water samples indicated moderate to strong fluorescence. He said he smelt oil from the water.

Normal Water

Water with Moderate Level of Oil Content

And so we began drilling and persisted with our decision to continue testing, despite the obvious display of facts. Needless to say, our efforts proved futile. The pressure of the well just managed to push to water level for 500 m before it died down. There was no flow of fluids whatsover to the surface at all. In due time, the well was plugged and abandoned after results of static pressure gradient survey showed water too!

This proves that as engineers and geologists, we must choose to believe the facts and figures instead of our instincts. Unless we have very solid reasons and logic to back us up.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Batu Gajah

It's the 1st of July! My Birthday Month! I'm going to UTP today and I'm so excited! A string of surprises are in line for me!

The 1st of July was like any normal day. I went to work at 8am, sat in front of my desk, did some simulation, and attended the SPE talk. Suddenly, the senior engineer from my team disappears from the talk.

I came back from the lunch and guess what? The Senior RE says, “Jean! The team has decided to test the well even though the PE says the well contains water, no oil. So,do you still want to go to the rig?”

I am so happy that I get to go to UTP for PETROSAINS Session and they ask me to go to the
rig now? No way I’m going to do that! Then I told the senior, “ oh please! I’ve witnessed 5 well testing in 1.5 years I was with well testing group and u want me to do that all over again? What’s d point of me going there?”

I negotiate and reason with my senior and I win. My senior is a very logical man.

I meet the HR lady in charge and she rents a car for me to drive! I forgot to take a picture of the car!!! It was a Silverish Grey Hyundai Sonnata !!!! So smooth! And it’s an auto car! Not Manual! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! I get to drive in the city of Kuala Lumpur, all the way to UTP! I’m so happy! Living the dream out of my life! Woah! It’s a rare privilege indeed!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

UTP-Speaking to 200 Clones of My Little Brother

I thought I will be staying at UTP ‘coz d session is held at UTP with a bunch of devilish 17 year olds. My brother’s age. That’s scary! Imagine talking to 200 duplicates of my brother! Wow! I’ll behaving a tough time convincing them to be Petroleum Engineers.

I present to the kids and receive a good response. I ‘m so happy!Out of 200 youths, 10 want to become PE, 3 wants to become geologist. Ahahha! That shows the talk I gave was quite good! Wahahhaha!

Wow! Wow! Look at my bedroom!!!! Observe the’s a lake! Let me show u!

Enjoying the scenic view outside my verandah

Wow! D lake just outside my balcony!

I looked out of my balcony in the morning and I see these little, sparkling diamonds on the lily leaves! It’s dew! The dew drops on the bright, dark green lily leaves! Can you see them? What an awesome view! I really ought to learn how to take pictures to get a better view!

Our fellow Geologists speakers discover that we have 50 Complimentary golf balls per day. Since we’re staying for 2 days, we can play with 100 golf balls and hit them into the lake! Yeay!!!!!! This guy ‘s giving my 100 golf balls!

What do these look like to you? Turtle eggs? ahah! They're golf balls! floating in the water~

We hit golf balls into the lake! Look how far can it go!

This 'tin' mining 'machine' is a reminder of our heritage and where we came from. Never forget our roots!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Batu Gajah-Visiting Kellie's Castle in the Rain

3rd of July, 2008: I visited the UTP Mosque and the Kellie's Castle!

UTP Mosque!

Kellie's Castle!

Restoration in progress

View from the window! Awesome!

4th of July: It’s the independence day of America . For me , it was the day my independence was robbed by PETROSAINS who gave me a taste of Freedom and made me want to yearn for more. I want to buy a car now!

I 'm so excited that I"m driving to KLCC today that I can't sleep! I had to call a colleague of mine to accompany me to the office. 'coz I have no confidence of driving to KLCC all alone! hehe!

I was so happy and felt such a great sense of accomplishment when I reached KLCC in the Precious , Prestigous Hyundai Sonata you know! Hahahahahahhaah! Soooooo happy!!!!